¿Cómo crear tu primera SKILL en AMAZON ALEXA? ¿Es posible conseguir empleo en el mundo de los asistentes de voz?
Voice & Digital Assistant • June 2021
¿Cómo crear tu primera SKILL en AMAZON ALEXA? ¿Es posible conseguir empleo en el mundo de los asistentes de voz?
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¿Cómo crear tu primera SKILL en AMAZON ALEXA? ¿Es posible conseguir empleo en el mundo de los asistentes de voz?

En esta charla hablaremos del boom de los asistentes de voz (desde Alexa a Google Home), además veremos cómo poder empezar a programar tu primera skill en Alexa y trataremos de diseccionar qué trabajos se han creado en el mundo de los asistentes de voz y cuál es el futuro de estos dispositivos. Es una charla estupenda de iniciación para las personas con ganas de meterse en el mundo de los asistentes de voz.

52 minutes
About the speakers
About the speakers
Xavier Portilla Edo
Infrastructure EngineerVoiceflow
Xavier borned in Valencia, but currently living in Madrid. He has over 7 years of experience. He has a focus on Cloud, Kubernetes, DevOps, Q&A, microservices, and voice-based applications. He is an organizer of DevopsDays Madrid and organizer of the Alexa community in Spanish. In his spare time, he enjoys music, beer, and friends. Author of the book "The Alexa Revolution".
Clara Jiménez Recio
FullStack DeveloperGamelearn
I have spent 4 years of my professional career in a research environment surrounded by papers and teaching at the University. When it felt like time for a change of career and lifestyle, I decided to start over in a new company working with my guilty pleasure: JavaScript. It could be said that, in 2020, my career just took an unexpected twist - from being a PhD researcher to working as a FullStack developer. In the meantime, I have really enjoyed creating multiple voice applications for Alexa (obviously in JavaScript :P)
Jorge Ferreiro
Growth Product ManagerStreamYard
Growth Product Manager at StreamYard (acq by Hopin), Senior Engineer and geek of DJ, Crypto, and online education.
52 minutes