DevOps per Machine Learning: training e inference pipelines con MLOps
Kubernetes • March 2021
DevOps per Machine Learning: training e inference pipelines con MLOps
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DevOps per Machine Learning: training e inference pipelines con MLOps

In questa sessione racconteremo dell'esperienza maturata da Deltatre, insieme a Microsoft, nella gestione di progetti di Machine Learning e Deep Learning, dalla prototipazione alla messa in produzione. Vedremo alcune best-practices nella gestione del ciclo di vita dei modelli e dei dataset (MLops), passando per testing e deployment delle infrastrutture sia per l'inference e sia per il training di modelli, sfruttando servizi Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, AKS, Kubernetes e Kubeflow per scenari on-premise e cloud.

38 minutes
online conference
About the speakers
About the speakers
Gianni Rosa Gallina
R&D Senior Software EngineerDeltatre
Gianni is a Microsoft MVP since 2011, focused on emerging technologies, AI and Virtual/Augmented/Mixed realities since 2013. Currently he is involved in Deltatre Innovation Lab, designing and prototyping solutions for next generation sport experiences and business services. Beyond that, he's active member of a local tech user group (TTG) and online trainer for Pluralsight.
Clemente Giorio
R&D Senior Software EngineerDeltatre
Maker, researcher, innovator, trainer, developer... Has made science and technology his passion other than his job. Follows many communities and is often actively involved as a speaker and event organizer in particular with: DotNetPodcast, FabLabNapoli, DotNetCampania and HoloLens Developers. His signature dishes, far from the stove, are: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Internet of Things, Natural User Interface and Mixed Reality. Microsoft MVP and Intel Software Innovator, works as Senior Research & Development Engineer for Deltatre, where he develops software prototypes.
Vito Flavio Lorusso
Program ManagerMicrosoft
Program Manager in Microsoft working on key Media and Entertainment projects with customers worldwide. Working on Azure since its early days and working with partners in EMEA as a tech advisor. In Microsoft since 9 years, has had lots of experience in Web end Enterprise development. Now enjoying the freedom and challenges of the disruptive Cloud and things world
38 minutes
online conference