Mass migrations to the cloud (or: how to eat an elephant) Skip to end of metadata
Back-end • May 2021
Mass migrations to the cloud (or: how to eat an elephant) Skip to end of metadata
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Mass migrations to the cloud (or: how to eat an elephant) Skip to end of metadata

Q: How do you move hundreds of interconnected applications, databases, queues and whatnot from your data centre to the cloud?

A: Like how you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.

But where do you start? How fast can you go? What tools and people do you need? How do you keep track of progress? What are the caveats? How do you prevent failure?

Piet knows and he can't wait to tell you. He will take you through the seemingly monstrous task and show you how he helped one of his clients move 100+ applications to the cloud without breaking much of a sweat. He even had a lot of fun doing it.

Non technical / For everyone
32 minutes
online conference
About the speaker
About the speaker
Piet van Dongen
Cloud Transformation ConsultantLuminis
Piet is a Cloud Transformation Consultant at Luminis. He loves to help organizations with mapping and exploiting business opportunities using technology. Piet shares his knowledge by writing, lecturing, training, or speaking at conferences like Codemotion, DevOpsDays, re:Invent, and Luminis DevCon. He spreads knowledge about cloud transformations, including migrations, skill development, and technology. Besides being a speaker, he is an active software community member: he is one of the Community Leaders of the Dutch AWS User Group and an AWS Community Builder.
Non technical / For everyone
32 minutes
online conference