Panel Arquitectura en el frontend
Software Architecture • October 2021
Panel Arquitectura en el frontend
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Panel Arquitectura en el frontend

El front se ha vuelto complejo. Muy complejo. Hemos pasado de usar JavaScript con jQuery a usar frameworks que nos ayudan con gestión del estado, componentes, nos abstraen de lidiar con el DOM e infinidad de cosas más. Pero... ¿Y cómo organizamos el código que no es del framework? ¿Debemos hacer separación por capas? ¿Debemos aplicar conceptos de arquitectura en el front? Únete a esta mesa redonda donde hablaremos sobre conceptos de arquitectura de Software y debatiremos de qué forma se puede aplicar al frontend para que nuestras aplicaciones sean robustas y sólidas a la par que flexibles.

69 minutes
online conference
About the speakers
About the speakers
César Alberca
Developer and consultantAutentia
I'm a frontend developer based in Madrid, working at Autentia. I'm also a committee member of Codemotion Spain. I'm super interested in good practices, testing and architecture. I love sharing knowledge and learning new things.
Carlos Villuendas
Frontend ArchitectDomestika
Architect @ I have been developing web solutions for more than 13 years, and I love how the web has grown and all the possibilities it offers us now.
Adrián Ferrera González
Software DeveloperLean Mind
Developer from Canary Islands is a pationated of software development, TDD and architecture. Love having long conversations, share knowledge with people and continue improving his skills. He usually works in a JavaScript stack with TypeScript and React at frontend and backend, but not only, actually he's starting to go deeper in Kotlin.
Adrià Fontcuberta
Software EngineerHolaluz
I'm a software product engineer interested in lean software development, mostly focused on the front end. I try to fix the right problems right.
69 minutes
online conference
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