Panel Online - Il business, questo sconosciuto: un ponte fra dev e cliente
Testing • March 2021
Panel Online - Il business, questo sconosciuto: un ponte fra dev e cliente
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Panel Online - Il business, questo sconosciuto: un ponte fra dev e cliente

La relazione fra cliente-progetto-sviluppo è sempre faticosa per le troppe teste e diverse competenze in gioco. Una metodologia di co-creazione fra dev, testing, business che schematizzi le fasi di sviluppo, renda più facile la fase di testing e sia riconducibile alle necessità del cliente.

36 minutes
online conference
About the speakers
About the speakers
Pamela Gotti
CTOCredimi Spa
I've been in the tech industry for more than 10 years, working as capacity planner consultant at Moviri, the software engineer in Amadeus, anti abuse engineer in Google and senior software engineer in Policy Brain. I'm currently CTO in Credimi, where I'm leading the engineering team to build fast and easy financial services for our customers.
Ester Liquori
CEOGhostwriter AI
The CEO of Ghostwriter AI, Ester Liquori, is an experienced leader with over a decade building and managing marketing-related business and AI-technologies. She started her career in marketing and sales departments and is passionate about uncovering insights that lead to emotional connection using messages that speak directly to buyer hearts and minds. In her role, she develops methods to deeply understand the buyer journey and intent searches and execute strategies to fuel growth and customer success. She is recently active as a Next Generation Internet (NGI) Ambassador and Techstars Mentor.
Ludovico Besana
QA Engineer | DeveloperFreelancer
QA Engineer | Developer | Automation and Open Source Enthusiast | Co-Founder @CodingBunker
Silvia Fanzecco
Community e Communication ManagerSheTech
Appassionata di comunicazione, ho scoperto il mondo del digital, dell'innovazione e delle startup tra le scrivanie di Open Campus e imparato a fare la Community Manager in Talent Garden. Oggi unisco queste passioni lavorando come community e communication manager in SheTech, l'associazione che vuole colmare il gender gap nel mondo della tecnologia, del digitale e dell'imprenditoria.
36 minutes
online conference