Panel Online - To cloud or not to cloud: quali ricette per una storia a lieto fine?
Cloud • March 2021
Panel Online - To cloud or not to cloud: quali ricette per una storia a lieto fine?
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Panel Online - To cloud or not to cloud: quali ricette per una storia a lieto fine?

L’adozione di servizi cloud non è più un'opzione per sole start-up e “unicorni”, ma riguarda sempre di più anche la pubblica amministrazione e le imprese, grandi o piccole che siano.
In questo panel Alessandro Confetti (Tech Principal, ThoughtWorks) dialogherà con Antonella Blasetti (IT Manager, Information Design) e Guenda Sciancalepore (Cloud Solution Architect, Microsoft) su quali siano i fattori di successo, le difficoltà, l’impatto sulla organizzazione aziendale e le nuove sfide a proposito di scalabilità, sicurezza, gestione dei costi e impatto ambientale delle soluzioni cloud.

Non technical / For everyone
37 minutes
online conference
About the speakers
About the speakers
Alessandro Confetti
Tech PrincipalThoughtWorks
I started writing software when I was fourteen, and I have never stopped since then. In the meantime, I studied philosophy, focusing mainly on logic and language. Before joining ThoughtWorks in 2017, I worked on data projects for several years. Now I am helping large organizations making sense of their legacy software and data, finding ways to modernize it. I am constantly looking for ways to perfect the three great virtues of a programmer, as stated by Larry Wall: laziness, impatience and hubris. Therefore I try to automate everything, design architectures that meet and anticipate customer ne
Guenda Sciancalepore
Sales EngineerSnowflake
I'm a Sales Engineer specialized on AI & Machine Learning working at Snowflake. My background is in computer science, but I also specialized in cognitive neuroscience. I love to talk about tech, AI, gaming, brain and how we can make the tech world a much more inclusive and diverse place.
Antonella Blasetti
IT ManagerInformation Design
Founder of the GDG Roma Lazio Abruzzo and Manager of Information Design, an IT company. Google Developer Expert GDE Cloud. GCP, AWS, and Azure Expert. After many years of experience she is still passionate about coding and design. Technical expertise in Cloud, Databases Design, System Integration and Application Projects. Focusing particularly on Big Data, IOT, Machine Learning and the new frontiers of software development, she hopes to help enabling young people to develop their potential and to let "elders" create a better approach to the creativity and needs of the new generation.
Non technical / For everyone
37 minutes
online conference