Panel Online: Machine Learning, Inteligencia Artificial y Comunidades
AI/Machine Learning • November 2020
Panel Online: Machine Learning, Inteligencia Artificial y Comunidades
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Panel Online: Machine Learning, Inteligencia Artificial y Comunidades

En este panel hablaremos sobre las dificultades y alegrías de las comunidades de Machine Learning e Inteligencia Artificial: ¿Es difícil promover esta tecnología a nivel comunitario?¿Los asistentes de voz han dado más visibilidad, o han fomentado prejuicios?¿Qué conocimientos debo tener para empezar a desarrollar y/o colaborar en ML/AI?
Intentaremos resolver estas dudas a través de este panel con presencia de comunidades de Machine Learning e Inteligencia Artificial. Participan: Machine Learning Tarragona, Machine Learning Spain, Rladies y Spain AI

Non technical / For everyone
33 minutes
online conference
About the speakers
About the speakers
Francisco Picolini
Content and Community ManagerCodemotion
Madrilenian with Argentinian accent. Pad Thai fanatic. Francisco has been involved in Open Source communities since 2003, helped on localization, marketing and content (yes, podcasts included). He sees himself as an early adopter, but only with betas. Accidentally started organizing events and managed Mozilla Devroom at FOSDEM for 3 years. Nowadays he works with technical communities in Spain.
Pablo Romero Quinteros
CoordinatorMachine Learning Tarragona
Emprendedor y apasionado por la tecnología, poseo una larga trayectoria en el desarrollo de herramientas y soluciones informáticas. Mis conocimientos y habilidades en diferentes áreas como Linux, Python, matemáticas, y análisis de datos, entre otras, me permiten contar con una visión integradora de diversas tecnologías. Como Data Scientist, desde hace años dedico mis esfuerzos a utilizar diferentes herramientas de Machine Learning e Inteligencia Artificial para crear herramientas y soluciones innovadoras.
Nestor Álvaro
Néstor is an Artificial Intelligence Specialist focused on Natural Language Processing field. After getting his PhD at Tokyo, he joined BBVA Cognitive Team, became the Head of Cognitive at Deloitte Analytics, and is currently involved in AI projects at Stratio. Besides his work at these companies, he has continued collaborating with the Tokyo University on a NLP-related project, as a Team leader, and taught Analytics and AI related topics at different universities in Spain. He is also one of the co-founders of Spain AI, the largest AI community in Spain.
Non technical / For everyone
33 minutes
online conference