Panel Online: ¿Qué significa ser DevRel?
Inspirational • November 2020
Panel Online: ¿Qué significa ser DevRel?
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Panel Online: ¿Qué significa ser DevRel?

Construir una comunidad de desarrolladores alrededor de un producto, tecnología o empresa, gestionar la relación de la empresa con los desarrolladores o crear contenido son algunas de las actividades que llevan a cabo los Developer Relations, ¿pero eso es todo? En este panel hablaremos del papel del DevRel y de cómo contribuye a los objetivos de la empresa.
Cuatro profesionales de este mundo nos acercarán su día a día, y quizá consigamos sacarles algún secreto.

Non technical / For everyone
31 minutes
online conference
About the speakers
About the speakers
Francisco Picolini
Content and Community ManagerCodemotion
Madrilenian with Argentinian accent. Pad Thai fanatic. Francisco has been involved in Open Source communities since 2003, helped on localization, marketing and content (yes, podcasts included). He sees himself as an early adopter, but only with betas. Accidentally started organizing events and managed Mozilla Devroom at FOSDEM for 3 years. Nowadays he works with technical communities in Spain.
David Gómez G.
Developer AdvocateAxonIQ
With around 20 years of experience in software development, has been part of projects for Banking, Insurance, Defense and Sea & ground transportation business, David holds his position as Developer Advocate at AxonIQ. He is also dedicated to training, former SringSource Certified Instructor and also delivers the JavaSpecialists Master courses in Spain. For the last 10 years, he also has been involved with several tech-communities, events and conferences as speaker & organizer. Right now he is also one of the co-organizers of MadridJUG and part of the technical committee for Lambda World.
Ana Jimenez Santamaria
Software Marketing SpecialistBitergia
Ana is currently working at Bitergia, a Software Development Analytics firm specialized in Open Source and InnerSource projects, while finishing her MS in Data Science. Marketing Specialist, Open Source Advocate and Data Scientist; Ana sometimes calls herself a hybrid with cross-domain super hero powers. She has been a speaker at some international conferences such as DevRelCon Tokyo, OpenInfraDays, DevRelCon London, ISC Summit or OSSummit NA
Javier Ramirez
Developer AdvocateAmazon Web Services
I work as a Technical Evangelist at AWS to help developers make the best of cloud, so they can focus on solving interesting problems and rely on AWS for performance, scalability, elasticity, and security. I love data storage, big and small. I have extensive experience with different SQL, NoSQL, graph, in-memory, and Big Data solutions. I like distributed, scalable, always-on systems. Before working at AWS I spent 20 years developing software professionally and sharing what I learnt with the community.
Maria Encinar
Developer RelationsBanco Santander
Maria has 10+ years of experience leading initiatives for startup accelerators and launching developer communities. Before joining Santander to lead the external dev community, she worked at Google setting up the structure and strategy to manage communities in Central and Eastern Europe.
Non technical / For everyone
31 minutes
online conference