Conference Madrid 2023 | Back-end

The Codemotion Conference is a must-attend gathering for savvy devs and IT professionals craving for insights on the latest technologies, inspirational talks, and hands-on activities.

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OAuth for Java Developers
OAuth for Java Developers
by Matt Raible
English Intermediate tech talk May 9th, 2023
Evolving your APIs, a step-by-step approach
Evolving your APIs, a step-by-step approach
by Nicolas Fränkel
English Beginner tech talk May 9th, 2023
Let Command Line Be Your Pilot (on Linux)
Let Command Line Be Your Pilot (on Linux)
by Lerna Ekmekcioglu
English Intermediate tech talk May 9th, 2023
Unleash the power of your applications with Micronaut and GraalVM
Unleash the power of your applications with Micronaut and GraalVM
by Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal
Spanish Beginner tech talk May 9th, 2023
Testcontainers y Spring Boot
Testcontainers y Spring Boot
by Iván López
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 9th, 2023
Modular Processes Manifesto
Modular Processes Manifesto
by Miguel Morales
English Intermediate tech talk May 9th, 2023
Home Security Data Streaming
Home Security Data Streaming
by Alfredo Díez Zamarro, Gorka Irigoyen García
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 9th, 2023
Tu base de datos no puede hacer esto "bien"
Tu base de datos no puede hacer esto "bien"
by Javier Ramirez
Spanish Beginner tech talk May 9th, 2023
Building rugged APIs and surviving while trying...
Building rugged APIs and surviving while trying...
by Isabelle Mauny
English Intermediate tech talk May 9th, 2023
Arquitecturas dirigidas por el diálogo
Arquitecturas dirigidas por el diálogo
by Javier Vélez Reyes
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 9th, 2023
Construyendo Tinder
Construyendo Tinder
by Alberto Grande
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 9th, 2023
Testing Continuo: Pipelines CI/CD
Testing Continuo: Pipelines CI/CD
by Francisco Guerrero
Spanish Beginner tech talk May 9th, 2023
Entendiendo el compilador de Go
Entendiendo el compilador de Go
by Jesús Espino
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 10th, 2023
Neobancos: cómo construir un banco digital en 6 meses (Pibank)
Neobancos: cómo construir un banco digital en 6 meses (Pibank)
by Eduardo López Roda, Hernan Scribe
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 10th, 2023
Beneficios y dificultades que (quizá) no pensaste de usar Event-Sourcing
Beneficios y dificultades que (quizá) no pensaste de usar Event-Sourcing
by David Gómez
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 10th, 2023
Hack-Proof The Node.js runtime: The Mechanics and Defense of Path Traversal Attacks
Hack-Proof The Node.js runtime: The Mechanics and Defense of Path Traversal Attacks
by Liran Tal
English Advanced tech talk May 10th, 2023
GraalVM - the virtual machine for all your programs
GraalVM - the virtual machine for all your programs
by Jorge Hidalgo
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 10th, 2023
Cómo construir un DataLake 100% Cloud, Serverless y a tiempo real en un banco multinacional
Cómo construir un DataLake 100% Cloud, Serverless y a tiempo real en un banco multinacional
by Nacho García Fernández
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 9th, 2023