The Software Developers Guide to Fun in the Workplace
Automation • May 2021
The Software Developers Guide to Fun in the Workplace
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The Software Developers Guide to Fun in the Workplace

This talk will answer questions such as: "Am I a bad person to want to enjoy my work?", “Why is programming often called an art despite having its underpinnings in formal logic?” “How can I rediscover the delight I felt when I first started coding?” “What’s that rush I feel when my test passes? Am I addicted to TDD?” Combining psychology, philosophy and computer science, this talk will present a series of practical tips to help you rediscover the euphoria that you felt the very first time a metal box in front of you came to life and cried out “Hello World”.

Non technical / For everyone
34 minutes
online conference
About the speaker
About the speaker
Holly Cummins
Development lead, IBM GarageIBM
Holly Cummins is an IBMer, and leads the developer discipline in the IBM Garage. As part of the Garage, Holly uses technology to enable innovation, for clients across a range of industries, from banking to catering to retail to NGOs. She has led projects to count fish, help a blind athlete run ultra-marathons in the desert solo, improve health care for the elderly, and change how city parking works. Holly is also an Oracle Java Champion, IBM Q Ambassador, and JavaOne Rock Star. Before joining the IBM Garage, she was Delivery Lead for the WebSphere Liberty Profile (now Open Liberty). Holly co-a
Non technical / For everyone
34 minutes
online conference