VSC - Visual Shameful Code - Un code editor fatto da noi con i Web Components!
API • May 2022
VSC - Visual Shameful Code - Un code editor fatto da noi con i Web Components!
VSC - Visual Shameful Code - Un code editor fatto da noi con i Web Components!

Non era possibile spiegare tutto in un talk e quindi proviamo a scrivere un Visual Studio Code è (quasi) totalmente utilizzabile dal web e tutto ciò grazie alle tantissime Web API messe ormai a disposizione dai browser. Perché allora non provare a riprodurlo da noi attraverso i Web Components (con l'aiuto di Lit), provando pure a lavorare direttamente sul nostro file system con le nuovissime File System API.
Costruiamo insieme il nostro piccolo (ma quasi completo) code editor!

67 minutes
online conference
About the speakers
About the speakers
Francesco Sciuti
CEO @ DevmyGoogle Developer Expert & Microsoft MVP
I'm Google Developer Expert, Microsoft MVP, Google Certified Developer, Software Engineer, Speaker/Evangelist/Trainer and AWS UG CT Lead I want to put myself in challenges both in the personal and professional side and this is way I’m involved ,as an active contributor, in many Italian communities (Angular ,React, Javascript ,GDG, PUG, etc…) and I contribute as a counselor to CoderDojo Foundation (Computational youth learning). I’ve worked for a long time as a employee and then as a freelancer, but nowadays I has my own company: Devmy – Software Factory, founded with my friend Andrea.
Francesco Vattiato
Front-end DeveloperDevmy
Francesco has been addicted to technology ever since he could remember. Graduated in Computer Science then working as a Software Developer, mainly using web technologies. Now he is working as Front-end Developer @ Devmy. He considers himself a dreamer and he's always looking for improvement. When out of the office it is best to look for him at the gym or at the cinema.
67 minutes
online conference