Cloud Native Development Hands-On!
Back-end • November 2021
Cloud Native Development Hands-On!
Natale Vinto
Developer Advocate • Red Hat
Fabio Di Vita
Solution Architect • Red Hat
Back-end • November 2021
Cloud Native Development Hands-On!
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Cloud Native Development Hands-On!

In questo workshop faremo un'introduzione pratica all'uso di Container, Kubernetes e OpenShift dal punto di vista di uno sviluppatore.
I container rappresentano un modo standard di creare applicazioni con tutte le loro dipendenze, semplificando il rilascio e la manutenzione del software, e Kubernetes è lo strumento adatto per gestire questo tipo di workload. Nel corso del Codelab implementeremo un'architettura basata a microservizi, esplorando i concetti basilari di Kubernetes fino alle impostazioni avanzate utili a gestire il ciclo di vita completo dell'applicazione.
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68 minutes
online conference
About the speakers
About the speakers
Natale Vinto
Developer AdvocateRed Hat
Natale is a Software Engineer with more than 10 years of expertise on IT and ICT technologies and a consolidated background on telecommunications and Linux operating systems. As a Solution Architect with a Java development background, he spent some years as EMEA Specialist Solution Architect for OpenShift at Red Hat. Today, Natale is a Developer Advocate for OpenShift at Red Hat, helping people within communities and customers have success with their Kubernetes and cloud native strategy. Love traveling, spicy peppers and Blues!
Fabio Di Vita
Solution ArchitectRed Hat
Open Source. Cloud Computing. Application Development. Indie music and and sailing in my spare time (the one remaining after building Lego with my daughter Zoe) By the way , I work in Red Hat as Solution Architect loooking after GSI's partnership in EMEA
68 minutes
online conference
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Online Tech Conference 2021 - Italian Edition | Autumn
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