Online Tech Conference 2021 - Italian Edition | Autumn

La conferenza tecnica multitrack fatta da sviluppatori per sviluppatori, su Backend, Sviluppo Frontend, Intelligenza Artificiale/Machine Learning, Emerging Tech e Soft Skills.

Tech talk, keynote, workshop hands-on, case study sulle più recenti tecnologie, destinati a tutti i professionisti IT, con qualunque profilo e livello di esperienza, accomunati dalla passione per il codice e lo sviluppo software.

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OpenTelemetry for microservices applications
OpenTelemetry for microservices applications
by Andrea Tosato
Italian Advanced tech talk November 9th, 2021
Workflow full stack per la realizzazione di applicazioni WebGIS
Workflow full stack per la realizzazione di applicazioni WebGIS
by Costantino Soru, Davide Muroni
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 9th, 2021
Prevedi le vendite con il Deep Learning
Prevedi le vendite con il Deep Learning
by Vincenzo Maritati
Italian Advanced tech talk November 9th, 2021
Il web accessibile a tutti tra best practice e testing
Il web accessibile a tutti tra best practice e testing
by Fabrizio Caccavello, Sauro Cesaretti, Stefano Ottaviani, Roberto Scano
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 9th, 2021
Micro Frontends - web component approach con Vue.js
Micro Frontends - web component approach con Vue.js
by Andrea Campaci
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 9th, 2021
Domain modeling made functional
Domain modeling made functional
by Scott Wlaschin
English Beginner tech talk November 9th, 2021
The F# Path to Relaxation
The F# Path to Relaxation
by Don Syme
English Beginner tech talk November 10th, 2021
Saga pattern: gestire le transazioni tra microservizi diversi
Saga pattern: gestire le transazioni tra microservizi diversi
by Mattia Tommasone
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
Niente più ambiente di sviluppo locale con GitHub Codespaces
Niente più ambiente di sviluppo locale con GitHub Codespaces
by Emanuele Bartolesi
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
[LIVE CODING] Using Apache Kafka instead of REST
[LIVE CODING] Using Apache Kafka instead of REST
by Ko Turk
English Beginner tech talk November 10th, 2021
Spring WebFlux: un approccio per lo sviluppo di applicazioni asincrone
Spring WebFlux: un approccio per lo sviluppo di applicazioni asincrone
by Marialuisa Santillo
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
Supercharge your Ingress with Kong Ingress Controller
Supercharge your Ingress with Kong Ingress Controller
by Viktor Gamov
English Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
Flexible, Agile and Scalable E-commerce? Let's deep dive into MACH architecture
Flexible, Agile and Scalable E-commerce? Let's deep dive into MACH architecture
by Sebastiano Trusso Forgia
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
Deploying Service Mesh in Production
Deploying Service Mesh in Production
by Christian Posta
English Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
Websocket in Rust
Websocket in Rust
by Tommaso Allevi
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
Backend for Frontend with Kotlin
Backend for Frontend with Kotlin
by Alexey Soshin
English Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
Closing the Gender Gap in Tech
Closing the Gender Gap in Tech
by Antonia Forster
English Beginner tech talk November 11th, 2021
Web FUGU Components...componenti sul filo del coltello da chef!
Web FUGU Components...componenti sul filo del coltello da chef!
by Francesco Sciuti
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 11th, 2021
Creare SPA per i social network in React, Nest, Azure, AWS, Postgres e non solo...
Creare SPA per i social network in React, Nest, Azure, AWS, Postgres e non solo...
by Fabio Biondi
Italian Beginner tech talk November 11th, 2021
An Android Dev start to Kotlin Multiplatform
An Android Dev start to Kotlin Multiplatform
by Roberto Orgiu
English Intermediate tech talk November 11th, 2021
What is BLoC
What is BLoC
by Carlo Lucera
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 11th, 2021
Smart working: what's next?
Smart working: what's next?
by Michelantonio Trizio, Serena Amante, Vito Arconzo, Nicolò Andreula
Italian Non technical / For everyone panel November 11th, 2021
CTO Panel - Delivering value in a Customer Oriented world
CTO Panel - Delivering value in a Customer Oriented world
by Alessandro Confetti, Emanuele Blanco, Davide Coletto, Pamela Gotti
Italian Intermediate panel November 11th, 2021
Il segreto del successo è la pazienza
Il segreto del successo è la pazienza
by Raffaele Gaito
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk November 11th, 2021
How Content Security Policy will save us all from XSS
How Content Security Policy will save us all from XSS
by Anton Kazakov
English Intermediate tech talk November 11th, 2021
Dev&Ops: un approccio unificato alla gestione dei workload e dell'infrastruttura
Dev&Ops: un approccio unificato alla gestione dei workload e dell'infrastruttura
by Giorgio Crivellari, Gioacchino Martino
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
APIClarity: Il wireshark per le API
APIClarity: Il wireshark per le API
by Alessandro Duminuco
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
Writing async microservices in Python
Writing async microservices in Python
by Iacopo Spalletti
English Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
How To Apply GitOps Without Making Developers Go Crazy
How To Apply GitOps Without Making Developers Go Crazy
by Viktor Farcic
English Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
Come avere a cuore la engineering experience
Come avere a cuore la engineering experience
by Matteo Barone, Carlo Colombo
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
The future is composable
The future is composable
by Anthony Viard
English Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
Perché usare Docker per il machine learning
Perché usare Docker per il machine learning
by Serena Sensini
Italian Beginner tech talk November 10th, 2021
RedHat OpenShift: CI/CD pipelines into the Service Mesh
RedHat OpenShift: CI/CD pipelines into the Service Mesh
by Alessandro Lumino
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
Il database diventa smart con Alexa. Come abilitare i conversational analytics con un time series database open source
Il database diventa smart con Alexa. Come abilitare i conversational analytics con un time series database open source
by Marco Riva
Italian Beginner tech talk November 11th, 2021
Cognitive UX - Using cognitive science and psychology to drive UX design
Cognitive UX - Using cognitive science and psychology to drive UX design
by Emilia Ciardi
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk November 11th, 2021
Building a Stream Analysis pipeline laboratory on Edge & Cloud
Building a Stream Analysis pipeline laboratory on Edge & Cloud
by Gabriele Provinciali
Italian Advanced tech talk November 11th, 2021
Come trasformare la voce in un asset digitale
Come trasformare la voce in un asset digitale
by Roberto De Duro
Italian Advanced tech talk November 11th, 2021
Accessibility and Design Intent
Accessibility and Design Intent
by Valentina Bulgheroni
English Intermediate tech talk November 11th, 2021
Costruire applicazioni decentralizzate più velocemente senza preoccuparsi della complessità della blockchain.
Costruire applicazioni decentralizzate più velocemente senza preoccuparsi della complessità della blockchain.
by Manuel Tumiati, Riccardo Grespan
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 11th, 2021
Modernize your trusty ol' Windows services with serverless function
Modernize your trusty ol' Windows services with serverless function
by François Bouteruche
English Beginner tech talk November 11th, 2021
Federated Machine Learning with TensorFlow
Federated Machine Learning with TensorFlow
by Moisés Martínez
English Beginner tech talk November 10th, 2021
Responsible AI: i valori imprescindibili nello sviluppo delle applicazioni di AI
Responsible AI: i valori imprescindibili nello sviluppo delle applicazioni di AI
by Azzurra Ragone
Italian Beginner tech talk November 10th, 2021
What You Should Know About GPT-3
What You Should Know About GPT-3
by Sandra Kublik
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk November 10th, 2021
Leveraging deep learning techniques to unlock key information from complex documents
Leveraging deep learning techniques to unlock key information from complex documents
by Francesco Visalli, Antonio Patrizio
Italian Beginner tech talk November 10th, 2021
Histolab: an Open Source Python Library for Reproducible Digital Pathology
Histolab: an Open Source Python Library for Reproducible Digital Pathology
by Alessia Marcolini
English Beginner tech talk November 10th, 2021
Migrazione a microservizi in una scale-up, sfide tecniche ed organizzative
Migrazione a microservizi in una scale-up, sfide tecniche ed organizzative
by Luca Buratti, Mattia Sasso
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 10th, 2021
Cloud Native Development Hands-On!
Cloud Native Development Hands-On!
by Natale Vinto, Fabio Di Vita
Italian Beginner tech talk November 10th, 2021
The computer girls
The computer girls
by Giulia Tosato
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk November 11th, 2021
How to Raise Your Profile as a Developer (And Why You Should Bother!)
How to Raise Your Profile as a Developer (And Why You Should Bother!)
by Lauren Schaefer
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk November 11th, 2021
Soft skills: le tue migliori alleate per scalare la tua carriera.
Soft skills: le tue migliori alleate per scalare la tua carriera.
by Giovanna Reggina Galleno Malaga
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk November 11th, 2021
Tutte le strade che passano dal Frontend
Tutte le strade che passano dal Frontend
by Davide Di Pumpo, Maurizio Mangione, Kevin Shallvari, Matteo Guidotto, Diana Bernabei ...
Italian Non technical / For everyone panel November 11th, 2021
IoT Device Monitoring - Miglioramento nella risoluzione di problemi su dispositivi non sempre connessi
IoT Device Monitoring - Miglioramento nella risoluzione di problemi su dispositivi non sempre connessi
by Filippo Carraro, Carlotta Colla
Italian Advanced tech talk November 11th, 2021
Serverless Machine Learning: analisi di notizie finanziarie in tempo reale
Serverless Machine Learning: analisi di notizie finanziarie in tempo reale
by Gabriele Sotto, Daniele Tavolaro
Italian Intermediate tech talk November 11th, 2021