Codemotion Workshop Fest - 2023

Approfondisci nuove tecnologie, testa nuovi prodotti e partecipa a sessioni di live coding.

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Message-based communication: Progettare un sistema che funziona davvero
Message-based communication: Progettare un sistema che funziona davvero
by Gabriele Santomaggio, Gianluca Padovani
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 28th, 2023
Uno scaffolding frontend (davvero) scalabile con Next.js
Uno scaffolding frontend (davvero) scalabile con Next.js
by Gentian Polovina
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 28th, 2023
Explainable AI
Explainable AI
by Mauro Bennici
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 28th, 2023
Come progettare ed implementare un nuovo sistema informativo cloud native per una grande banca
Come progettare ed implementare un nuovo sistema informativo cloud native per una grande banca
by Claudio Balbo, Alessio Bertazzo
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 28th, 2023
Guida intergalattica per Maintainer: come mantenere un progetto Open Source
Guida intergalattica per Maintainer: come mantenere un progetto Open Source
by Andrea Stagi
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 28th, 2023
Cooking cloud applications: un processo di rilascio per applicazioni cloud
Cooking cloud applications: un processo di rilascio per applicazioni cloud
by Alberto Lagna
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 28th, 2023
Come affrontare un Click Day il venerdì e passare il weekend in vacanza
Come affrontare un Click Day il venerdì e passare il weekend in vacanza
by Alessandro Forbicioni, Daniele Fetoni
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 28th, 2023
Quantum Circuits for Noob
Quantum Circuits for Noob
by Alessandro Berti
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 28th, 2023
Da Dev a Ops, dal Borsalino al Fedora: indossali tutti!
Da Dev a Ops, dal Borsalino al Fedora: indossali tutti!
by Serena Sensini
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 28th, 2023
Maths or magic? End-to-end encryption explained with art
Maths or magic? End-to-end encryption explained with art
by Paolo Insogna
English Advanced tech talk March 28th, 2023
One CLI to rule them all
One CLI to rule them all
by Giorgia Fiscaletti
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 29th, 2023
Come l'Asynchronous Batching e la Microkernel Architecture possono salvare il tuo matrimonio
Come l'Asynchronous Batching e la Microkernel Architecture possono salvare il tuo matrimonio
by Michael Di Prisco
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 29th, 2023
Animal House: Virtual Pets in AR with Unity
Animal House: Virtual Pets in AR with Unity
by Mattias CIbien
Italian Intermediate tech lesson March 29th, 2023
DevSecOps con Cisco Panoptica per Container, API and Serverless. Hands-on workshop
DevSecOps con Cisco Panoptica per Container, API and Serverless. Hands-on workshop
by Luca Relandini, Stefano Gioia
Italian Advanced tech talk March 29th, 2023
PWA: Using the Web Platform Power to the Fullest
PWA: Using the Web Platform Power to the Fullest
by Maxim Salnikov
English Intermediate tech talk March 29th, 2023
Adaptive Apps con Flutter
Adaptive Apps con Flutter
by Carlo Lucera
Italian Advanced tech talk March 29th, 2023
MarketVerse: un marketplace NFT con un proprio Metaverso
MarketVerse: un marketplace NFT con un proprio Metaverso
by Marco Cesarato, Filippo Vierchowod
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 29th, 2023
Azure OpenAI. La musica è cambiata
Azure OpenAI. La musica è cambiata
by Andrea D'Onofrio, Francesco Lana
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 29th, 2023