Conference Madrid 2023 | Front-end

The Codemotion Conference is a must-attend gathering for savvy devs and IT professionals craving for insights on the latest technologies, inspirational talks, and hands-on activities

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How CSS came about
How CSS came about
by Håkon Wium Lie
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk May 9th, 2023
Building a Real-Time Serverless Bidding Platform
Building a Real-Time Serverless Bidding Platform
by Stanimira Vlaeva
English Intermediate tech talk May 9th, 2023
New Trends in Front-End Development (and what we can learn from them)
New Trends in Front-End Development (and what we can learn from them)
by Tejas Kumar
English Advanced tech talk May 9th, 2023
Live Coding 2D Animation with Animatron
Live Coding 2D Animation with Animatron
by Roger Pibernat
English Beginner tech talk May 9th, 2023
Micro-frontends with Svelte & Module Federation
Micro-frontends with Svelte & Module Federation
by Giorgio Boa
English Intermediate tech talk May 9th, 2023
Clean Arch. on the frontend: The day after
Clean Arch. on the frontend: The day after
by Carlos Villuendas
Spanish Advanced tech talk May 9th, 2023
Front to the future
Front to the future
by Jorge del Casar
Spanish Beginner tech talk May 9th, 2023
Accessible Maps
Accessible Maps
by Sabrina Jodexnis
English Advanced tech talk May 9th, 2023
Flying a drone with twitter, bananas & Web APIs
Flying a drone with twitter, bananas & Web APIs
by Lucky Nkosi
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk May 9th, 2023
Why CSS Sometimes Sucks
Why CSS Sometimes Sucks
by Albéric Trancart
English Beginner tech talk May 9th, 2023
IoT minimalista. Sólo con scripts en Bash y un poquito de LoRa.
IoT minimalista. Sólo con scripts en Bash y un poquito de LoRa.
by Samuel A. Jiménez Romero
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 10th, 2023
101. ¿Cómo construir mal Software?
101. ¿Cómo construir mal Software?
by César Alberca
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 10th, 2023
Stargons: como crear una colección NFTs generados con IA
Stargons: como crear una colección NFTs generados con IA
by Juan Antonio Lleó
Spanish Non technical / For everyone tech talk May 10th, 2023
Mejora la UX de tu web optimizando las imágenes
Mejora la UX de tu web optimizando las imágenes
by Joan León
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 10th, 2023
Turning Awareness into Action: How to Make a Real Difference in Accessibility
Turning Awareness into Action: How to Make a Real Difference in Accessibility
by Mathilde Buenerd
English Intermediate tech talk May 10th, 2023
Stop using JavaScript for that: moving features from JS to CSS and HTML
Stop using JavaScript for that: moving features from JS to CSS and HTML
by Kilian Valkhof
English Intermediate tech talk May 10th, 2023
Playwright can do this?
Playwright can do this?
by Stefan Judis
English Beginner tech talk May 10th, 2023
How do we use React Native at Mattermost. Architecture and design
How do we use React Native at Mattermost. Architecture and design
by Daniel Espino
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 10th, 2023
Antes de los microfrontends, ¿es posible un front modular?
Antes de los microfrontends, ¿es posible un front modular?
by Javier López Fernández
Spanish Intermediate tech talk May 10th, 2023
The State of Frameworks and how Vercel is redefining the Frontend
The State of Frameworks and how Vercel is redefining the Frontend
by Guillermo Rauch
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk May 10th, 2023