Online Tech Conference 2022 - Italian Edition | Inspirational

La conferenza tecnica multitrack fatta da sviluppatori per sviluppatori, su Backend, Sviluppo Frontend, Intelligenza Artificiale/Machine Learning, Emerging Tech e Soft Skills.

Tech talk, keynote, case study sulle più recenti tecnologie, destinati a tutti i professionisti IT, con qualunque profilo e livello di esperienza, accomunati dalla passione per il codice e lo sviluppo software.

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Early Access
Shift your mindset on Accessibility & Inclusion
Shift your mindset on Accessibility & Inclusion
by Sara Michelazzo
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk March 23rd, 2022
Early Access
Tutto quello che ho sbagliato negli ultimi 4 anni in cui ho sviluppato prodotti
Tutto quello che ho sbagliato negli ultimi 4 anni in cui ho sviluppato prodotti
by Emanuele Bartolesi
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk March 24th, 2022
Early Access
DevX what? A DAZN story
DevX what? A DAZN story
by Marco Crivellaro
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk March 24th, 2022
Early Access
DInA, andare oltre le parole
DInA, andare oltre le parole
by Fiorella De Luca
Italian Non technical / For everyone panel March 24th, 2022
Early Access
The Tech Executive Operating System
The Tech Executive Operating System
by Aviv Ben-Yosef
English Advanced tech talk March 24th, 2022
Early Access
How Spotify reaches the 80%+ of satisfaction of the techies making developers happy
How Spotify reaches the 80%+ of satisfaction of the techies making developers happy
by Francesco Corti
English Beginner tech talk March 24th, 2022
Early Access
[Panel] Metaverse, demystified
[Panel] Metaverse, demystified
by Alfredo Morresi
Italian Intermediate panel March 23rd, 2022
Early Access
Tech leader panel - Technical Debt: Più lo trascuri, più gli interessi da pagare crescono
Tech leader panel - Technical Debt: Più lo trascuri, più gli interessi da pagare crescono
by Francesco Sciuti
Italian Intermediate panel March 24th, 2022
Early Access
Building a better open source product and how to succeed - lessons learned from building a better Apache Cassandra (TM)
Building a better open source product and how to succeed - lessons learned from building a better Apache Cassandra (TM)
by Shlomi Livne
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk March 24th, 2022
Early Access
From DevOps to DevX - Perché abbiamo creato un Platform Team
From DevOps to DevX - Perché abbiamo creato un Platform Team
by Pamela Gotti
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk March 24th, 2022
Early Access
Are all programming languages in english?
Are all programming languages in english?
by Michele Riva
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk March 24th, 2022
Early Access
Ask Me Anything con Michel Murabito
Ask Me Anything con Michel Murabito
by Michel Murabito
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk March 24th, 2022
Early Access
Ask Me Anything con Michele Riva
Ask Me Anything con Michele Riva
by Michele Riva
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk March 23rd, 2022
Early Access
"Docs as code" con Maven: come ridurre i costi di gestione della documentazione tecnica
"Docs as code" con Maven: come ridurre i costi di gestione della documentazione tecnica
by Simona Russo
Italian Intermediate tech talk March 24th, 2022