Conference Milan 2023 | Inspirational

The Codemotion Conference is a must-attend gathering for savvy devs and IT professionals craving for insights on the latest technologies, inspirational talks, and hands-on activities.

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How browsers changed the world
How browsers changed the world
by Håkon Wium Lie
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk
Narrowing the human factor: the route towards improved safety on the road
Narrowing the human factor: the route towards improved safety on the road
by Abdallah Bader, Andrea Colomba
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk
Becoming Tech 101: Accompagnare una Scale Up in un cambio di paradigma
Becoming Tech 101: Accompagnare una Scale Up in un cambio di paradigma
by Enrico Maria Cestari
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk
L'evoluzione Data-Centric del Settore Energetico per un futuro ecologico digitale
L'evoluzione Data-Centric del Settore Energetico per un futuro ecologico digitale
by Francesco Brivio, Chiara Zannier
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk
Tragedie e Disastri in produzione
Tragedie e Disastri in produzione
by Gabriele Santomaggio
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk
How coaching kids at football made me a better software developer
How coaching kids at football made me a better software developer
by Mattia Tommasone
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk
Tech Career: Should I stay or should I go?
Tech Career: Should I stay or should I go?
by Arnaldo Morena, Luca Fregoso, Gabriele Santomaggio, Nicola Guglielmi
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk
Exceptional experiences in uncertain times: the power of empathy in UX design.
Exceptional experiences in uncertain times: the power of empathy in UX design.
by Carolina Pinto
English Intermediate tech talk
Open Source 2.0: The Text Editor's Last Laugh
Open Source 2.0: The Text Editor's Last Laugh
by Scott Chacon
English Intermediate tech talk
From Privacy and GDPR to Ethics: How Generative AI Can Get You a Criminal Sentence
From Privacy and GDPR to Ethics: How Generative AI Can Get You a Criminal Sentence
by Marco Dagrada, Camilla Consonni
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk
Licensing for unbureaucratic humans
Licensing for unbureaucratic humans
by Angela Busato, Lorenzo Pieri
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk
How to train your DevRel
How to train your DevRel
by Michel Murabito, Alfredo Morresi, Michelantonio Trizio
Italian Intermediate tech talk
Codebase orienteering, how to gain confidence with an unknown codebase
Codebase orienteering, how to gain confidence with an unknown codebase
by Mauro Murru
English Intermediate tech talk
Business value articulation: talking about the impact of our work.
Business value articulation: talking about the impact of our work.
by Sara Michelazzo
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk
Il lavoro del Product Engineer genera valore per tutti: developer, utenti ed il business
Il lavoro del Product Engineer genera valore per tutti: developer, utenti ed il business
by Riccardo Reinerio
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk
Let's talk about salaries in tech
Let's talk about salaries in tech
by Michele Riva
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk
How the SDGs can learn from the journey of technology
How the SDGs can learn from the journey of technology
by Avanti Sharma
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk
Servant leadership: ispirare e motivare i team tecnici
Servant leadership: ispirare e motivare i team tecnici
by Francesco Sciuti, Gabriele Negro, Francesco Persico
Italian Non technical / For everyone tech talk
The sustainable CTO
The sustainable CTO
by Alfredo Morresi, Mara Marzocchi
Italian Non technical / For everyone panel October 24th, 2023