Online Tech Conference 2021 - English Edition | Autumn

The multitrack tech conference made by developers for developers, on Backend, Frontend, AI/Machine Learning, Soft Skills and Emerging Technologies.

On-demand sessions for all IT professionals with different backgrounds and levels of experience providing them with technical excellence, cutting-edge technologies as well as hands-on activities, best practices & case studies.

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Get started to deploy a Java microservices application to a serverless framework
Get started to deploy a Java microservices application to a serverless framework
by Thomas Südbröcker
English Beginner tech talk November 30th, 2021
React Hooks Tips Only the Pros Know
React Hooks Tips Only the Pros Know
by Maurice de Beijer
English Intermediate tech talk November 30th, 2021
All API, No Boilerplate - Building Secure GraphQL APIs Powered by a Graph Database
All API, No Boilerplate - Building Secure GraphQL APIs Powered by a Graph Database
by Michael Hunger
English Beginner tech talk November 30th, 2021
Thinking outside of the Euclidean Space: An introduction study to Graph Machine Learning and its Applications
Thinking outside of the Euclidean Space: An introduction study to Graph Machine Learning and its Applications
by Sachin Sharma
English Intermediate tech talk November 30th, 2021
Set up an experimentation culture empowering teams to create measurable business value
Set up an experimentation culture empowering teams to create measurable business value
by Gustavo Soares, Rainer Collet
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk November 30th, 2021
Options Galore to Get from Source Code to Container
Options Galore to Get from Source Code to Container
by Matthias Haeussler
English Intermediate tech talk November 30th, 2021
Closing the Gender Gap in Tech
Closing the Gender Gap in Tech
by Antonia Forster
English Beginner tech talk December 1st, 2021
Java in the Clouds: From Monoliths to Serverless #slideless
Java in the Clouds: From Monoliths to Serverless #slideless
by Adam Bien
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
From Stateless-Serverful to Stateful-Serverless
From Stateless-Serverful to Stateful-Serverless
by Hugh McKee
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
The SolarWinds Hack and the Executive Order on Cybersecurity happened - It is time to prepare
The SolarWinds Hack and the Executive Order on Cybersecurity happened - It is time to prepare
by Sven Ruppert
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
Casting the spell: Druid in practice
Casting the spell: Druid in practice
by Itai Yaffe, Yakir Buskilla
English Advanced tech talk December 1st, 2021
What backend tests can learn from frontend tests
What backend tests can learn from frontend tests
by Dianing Yudono
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
How to establish peer-to-peer connections across NATs: a benchmark of existing NAT hole punching techniques
How to establish peer-to-peer connections across NATs: a benchmark of existing NAT hole punching techniques
by Marco Moschettini
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
Know thy ~enemy~ (k8s) choice of controller
Know thy ~enemy~ (k8s) choice of controller
by Anastasija Efremovska
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
Agile for the business, omg
Agile for the business, omg
by Arie van Bennekum
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk December 1st, 2021
Focus ON/OFF
Focus ON/OFF
by Nina de Leeuw
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk December 2nd, 2021
What is BLoC
What is BLoC
by Carlo Lucera
English Intermediate tech talk December 2nd, 2021
DevOps in Voice Apps
DevOps in Voice Apps
by Xavier Portilla Edo
English Intermediate tech talk December 2nd, 2021
Towards more energy-efficient Neural Networks? Use your brain!
Towards more energy-efficient Neural Networks? Use your brain!
by Olaf de Leeuw
English Intermediate tech talk December 2nd, 2021
How to View and React without a Head
How to View and React without a Head
by Facundo Giuliani
English Beginner tech talk December 2nd, 2021
How Content Security Policy will save us all from XSS
How Content Security Policy will save us all from XSS
by Anton Kazakov
English Intermediate tech talk December 2nd, 2021
Building brain-controlled interfaces in JavaScript
Building brain-controlled interfaces in JavaScript
by Charlie Gerard
English Beginner tech talk December 2nd, 2021
Keep Scrolling
Keep Scrolling
by Cassie Evans
English Intermediate tech talk December 2nd, 2021
Are you an Industry 4.0 AI Developer?
Are you an Industry 4.0 AI Developer?
by Denis Rothman
English Intermediate tech talk December 2nd, 2021
A look inside the European Covid Green Pass
A look inside the European Covid Green Pass
by Luciano Mammino
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
Pouring Coffee into the Matrix - Building Java Applications on Neo4j
Pouring Coffee into the Matrix - Building Java Applications on Neo4j
by Jennifer Reif, Mark Heckler
English Beginner tech talk December 1st, 2021
Observability across serverless asynchronous managed services
Observability across serverless asynchronous managed services
by Erez Berkner
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
Releasing at the speed of light
Releasing at the speed of light
by Andres Almiray
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
Building monolith applications that could scale to microservices (only if they need to)
Building monolith applications that could scale to microservices (only if they need to)
by David Gómez G.
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
How to automate testing in Automotive?
How to automate testing in Automotive?
by Anna Burundukova
English Beginner tech talk December 1st, 2021
The future is composable
The future is composable
by Anthony Viard
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
Why you should design for the MVP - the Most Vulnerable Person
Why you should design for the MVP - the Most Vulnerable Person
by Agnieszka Walorska
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk December 2nd, 2021
How to do stuff with Bluetooth technology
How to do stuff with Bluetooth technology
by Martin Woolley
English Beginner tech talk December 2nd, 2021
Wasn't it actually the job of the tech community to kick data collectors out of our bedroom?
Wasn't it actually the job of the tech community to kick data collectors out of our bedroom?
by Elena Poughia, Jessica Dittmar
English Beginner tech talk December 2nd, 2021
DevSuccess Joins the Developer Dynasty
DevSuccess Joins the Developer Dynasty
by Hunter Weinsheink
English Non technical / For everyone tech talk December 2nd, 2021
Tackling the massive complexity of production Machine Learning
Tackling the massive complexity of production Machine Learning
by Ed Shee
English Beginner tech talk December 2nd, 2021
IoT, JavaScript and Beer Brewing: Cheers to that!
IoT, JavaScript and Beer Brewing: Cheers to that!
by Joel Lord
English Intermediate tech talk December 2nd, 2021
Putting the Graph In GraphQL With The Neo4j GraphQL Library
Putting the Graph In GraphQL With The Neo4j GraphQL Library
by William Lyon
English Intermediate tech talk December 2nd, 2021
Advanced Caching Patterns used by 2000 microservices
Advanced Caching Patterns used by 2000 microservices
by Natan Silnitsky
English Beginner tech talk December 1st, 2021
Saga pattern: managing transactions between microservices
Saga pattern: managing transactions between microservices
by Mattia Tommasone
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
Seriously gaming your cloud expertise: from cloud tourist to cloud native
Seriously gaming your cloud expertise: from cloud tourist to cloud native
by Piet van Dongen
English Beginner tech talk December 1st, 2021
ML Workflows and Delivery of AI-Powered Intelligent Applications with OpenShift Data Science
ML Workflows and Delivery of AI-Powered Intelligent Applications with OpenShift Data Science
by Natale Vinto, Fabio Di Vita
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
Domain-driven Design & Legacy: Evolution not Revolution
Domain-driven Design & Legacy: Evolution not Revolution
by Eberhard Wolff
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
Easing the rough edges of distributed computing with Semantic Driven Modeling
Easing the rough edges of distributed computing with Semantic Driven Modeling
by Raffaele Rialdi
English Intermediate tech talk December 1st, 2021
Be safer on a bike, using an xbox kinect!
Be safer on a bike, using an xbox kinect!
by Joep Kokkeler
English Intermediate tech talk December 2nd, 2021
Distributed Databases on Kubernetes
Distributed Databases on Kubernetes
by Daniel Holt
English Beginner tech talk December 2nd, 2021
Design Systems of a Down: Steal this Guide!
Design Systems of a Down: Steal this Guide!
by m4dz -
English Intermediate tech talk December 2nd, 2021
Applied Deep Learning state-of-the-art
Applied Deep Learning state-of-the-art
by Enrique Catalá Bañuls
English Advanced tech talk December 2nd, 2021
Optimal on Paper; Broken in Reality
Optimal on Paper; Broken in Reality
by Vincent Warmerdam
English Intermediate tech talk December 2nd, 2021
Exploring the Rimworld of Sound using Generative Adversarial Networks
Exploring the Rimworld of Sound using Generative Adversarial Networks
by Laurens Koppenol, David Isaacs Paternostro
English Intermediate tech talk December 2nd, 2021